Friday, March 22, 2013


This is why I think chives are awesome:

  • first edible plant to come up in the spring, so welcome after the bleak winter
  • don't mind a cold, wet spring (which is highly probable)
  • honeybees like them. I like to help honeybees out as much as I can.
  • are an Allium and I love Alliums
  • bring back fond memories for me. I remember Tato asking me to go snip some "schneetleek" to sprinkle on our homemade chicken soup and it was one of my favourite "grown-up" tasks and I was so proud. "Schnittlauch" is the German word for chives, but until today I thought it was a Czech word. Apparently "pažitka" is the "new" (to me and probably to my Tato but I can't ask him) word for chives in Czech. I'm wondering if perhaps this is due to czechification that happened after WWII.
  • great topping for baked potatoes. Only freshly-snipped will do, dried chives taste like cardboard and don't even think about freezing them.
  • plants spread well, which may or may not be a good thing
  • divide easily. I was given this plant (rather its mother to be more accurate) by my neighbour to welcome us when we moved in, so it holds happy memories for me.
  • do not get out of control unless you want them to (as evident in the border picture)
  • thrive in any soil
  • don't need pampering, i.e. I never water or fertilize
  • will grow well in a pot. My Mom enjoyed fussing over hers on her small balcony, even though it didn't need much fussing.
  • are easy to prune, just shear them off after blooming and they will send up fresh new leaves. I try to do this before the rain beats them down, or before they go to seed because otherwise there will and explosion of millions of seeds everywhere.
  • flowers are edible too, tear them apart and they will be less oniony-tasting or at least you will get less on your tongue all at once
  • flowers make a nice garnish on any plate
  • make a great subject for Photoshop

Chives Are So Easy To Grow
Chives Make a Great Border
Filter>Artistic>Palette Knife
Filter>Artistic>Smudge Stick
Filter>Distort>Diffuse Glow

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