Friday, March 1, 2013

Can't Find My Czechbook

I decided it was about time I learned how to Photoshop. I was going to say how to use Photoshop but I can see that it is one of those nouns that can also be used as a verb kinda like "I'll Google it" instead of "I will look that up on Google" but I digress. 

After much experimentation using Help and the Tutorials that come with the program and numerous online tutorials and published books (on paper even *gasp*) Getting Started With Adobe Photoshop Elements by Michelle Perkins and Photoshop Elements for Windows by Craig Hoeschen, here is my first project.

I'm putting the steps on how I did it below as a reminder for myself (and anyone else who may wish to know).
  • Open Google Images and search for "nail polish can't find my czechbook". Isn't it amazing how refined googling has become.
  • Right click and copy the image.
  • Open Photoshop. 
  • Select File>New From Clipboard. Note: Image is Layer 1. 
  • From the toolbox, select the Text tool. Choose the font style, family and size. Note: This took a bit of trial and error because my version of Photoshop Elements is 2.0 and doesn't show what the fonts look like until after you select them (*whine*). You can always change the font size and type later so don't fret about this step too much.
  • Type the text. Note: This is Layer 2 for now but it will update its name to match the text you enter which I think is cool.
  • From the text layer, click on the "T" to select the text so that it is highlighted with a black box behind it. Note: This is also how to select the text to make other changes to the font, e.g. style, family and size. 
  • From the options bar, select "set the text colour". 
  • From the toolbox, select the Eyedropper tool and click on the colour that most closely matches the nail polish colour. 
  • Voila! I even posted it on Tumblr and within minutes it was "liked" *yipee*

The Czech in me said I just had to have it


  1. I love it! And welcome to blog world Mila!!!!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement. You inspire me.
