Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tulip "Painting"

It took me a while but I turned this:

into this:

  • Crop image
  • Isolate tulips from background
  • Add a solid black fill layer on top
  • Clean up by erasing the white pixels that show up after you add the black background
  • Apply Filter>Artistic>Watercolour
  • Paint in the rainbow and run the smudge tool over it

Then I thought I'd go a little further and this is what happened.

  • Apply Filter>Artistic>Dry Brush 10, 1, 1
This looked pretty good but there were a lot of tiny little white dots around the outlines of the tulips and vase, so I zoomed in on them and used the Smudge Tool set on Natural Brushes>Dry Brushes to "smudge" over them.
  • Cleanup image by using the Smudge Tool
Why stop at the edges only? I ended up smudging where ever it looked like it needed it, mostly where there were a lot of jagged looking pixels. I felt like I was painting!

The Smudge Tool is my new best friend!

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