Monday, April 15, 2013

At the Bird Sanctuary

We had a great day at the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta.

The greeting party
The first time I saw a Wood Duck, I thought it looked way too exotic to be native to North America. I thought it belonged with my Dad's Golden Pheasants which hail from India.

The exotic-looking Wood Duck

Ubiquitous Mallards in the foreground

Usually these guys are in the water but this time I had a great view of his big blue feet.
American Coot
Just look at those feet

I don't know what kind of duck she is. She looks feminine although she's probably a drake.
Cute duck with no name
This is a Hooded Merganzer. The one on the chart had a white head so this must be a baby. This is also the name of my favourite restaurant in Penticton named for the bird that flew around during the construction.

Hooded Merganzer
This cute little guy is a Kinglet and is the first time I've seen one. He was very photogenic and my favourite. Can you tell?


Sparrow—What I call any bird I don't know the name of

There was some interesting plant life.

I haven't seen this plant before

Unfurling Ferns
Looks like a morel mushroom

The sanctuary is not just for birds.

Turtles on a log

Carp are not very pretty but I do like the bubbles (almost look photoshopped)

Young heron doing the flamingo

Signs of Spring were everywhere.

Canada Goose sitting on a nest
Duck nest on the path

Sandhill Crane nesting—I love the heart on his head
The birds love it here—cranes (man-made) just visible in the background


Young Bufflehead I think because he has the same coloured eye
I love the reflection and the ripples
Red-winged Blackbird at one of the many feeders

The Red-winged Blackbirds were in full chorus

Just a glimpse of the red wing
In a more traditional pose

Another exotic-looking duck—check out that very long tail

We heard the Snow Geese honking a way off in the distance and here is a photo I took earlier in the year not far from the sanctuary.

Snow Geese love the farmer's field

We've been to the bird sanctuary a few times and we usually only see Mallard ducks but this time we saw many species.

So serene (except for the ducks quacking) but I wouldn't have it any other way!

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