Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fun With Stencils

I was inspired by this print of Che Guevara by Andy Warhol.

1. Prepare photo, i.e. crop and remove background

2. Create a "stencil" by:

Select Image>Adjustments>Threshold
Black and White Stencil
3. Using the Magic Wand Tool separate the white parts of the stencil from the black parts and create new layers for each.

4. Then by using the Magic Wand Tool again,  change the black layer, for example, to magenta, and the white layer, to yellow.

5. The remaining step is to combine these two new layers with a blue background to get this:

I continued on in this manner until I produced all nine pictures.

For each picture, I used the "Save For Web" feature and discovered that I didn't have to flatten the layers first so that saved some steps. Lastly, I assembled the pictures into a new file.

Andy Warhol is my Inspiration

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