Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm Going Bananas Over Photoshop Elements

Open original picture, duplicate layer, and remove background.

Original Picture

Enhance>Adjust Colour>Remove Colour
Filter>Artistic>Cutout (7, 2, 2)

Colour Removed and Cutout Filter Applied

Add an Adjustment Layer, with a Solid Colour, Blend Mode: Multiply, 100% Opacity
go back to the Image Layer and Change the Opacity to 50%

Red Banana
Add a new layer at the very top (above the solid colour adjustment layer) and using the magic wand and paint bucket, fill in bright yellow where the banana was white.

Yellow Painted On Top
Flatten this Layer and copy the image into a new larger file (twice as wide and twice a high). Then, go back and undo flatten, change to blue solid background and repeat for the green and yellow bananas.

I hope Andy Warhol is Flattered


  1. You are on a great roll with Photoshop! I just loaded Photoshop onto my computer last night but won't have time to play with it for another few weeks. I have so much to learn!

    1. I am enjoying immersing myself in it. It sure eats up time.
